
Current research projects

PEPR MolécularXiv (June 2022 – May 2029)
Topic : Massive data storage on synthetic DNA molecules

CoLearn, Labex Cominlabs project (September 2021 – December 2025)
Topic: Information Theory and Source/Channel Coding for Learning
Collaboration with Philippe Mary (INSA Rennes), Aline Roumy, Thomas Maugey (INRIA Rennes), and François-Xavier Socheleau (IMT Atlantique)

AI4CODE, PRC ANR project (October 2021 – November 2025)
Topic: AI-aided FEC code design & decoding
Partners: Lab-STICC/IMT Atlantique, CEA Leti, IMS/INP Bordeaux, IRIT/INP-ENSEEIHT, ETIS/CYU, Lab-STICC/UBS

IoTAD-CEO, International Cominlabs Chair (April 2021 – December 2024)
Topic: IoT Network Analysis and Design based on CEO Problem
Chair holder: Tadashi Matsumoto (JAIST and University of Oulu)


Past research projects

Program Samuel de Champlain (April 2020 – December 2023)
Topic : Energy-reliability tradeoff for artificial intelligence algorithms with low energy consumption
Collaboration with François Leduc-Primeau, Yvon Savaria (Ecole Polytechnique Montreal), and Vincent Gripon (IMT Atlantique)

EF-FECtive, ANR JCJC project (January 2018 – December 2021)
Topic: Design of Energy Efficient LDPC codes and decoders
Collaboration with François Leduc-Primeau (Ecole Polytechnique Montreal) and Frederic Guilloud (IMT Atlantique)
PhD Students: Mohamed Yaoumi, Jonathan Kern

Thomas Jefferson Fund (August 2018 – December 2021)
Topic: Reliable artificial intelligence on energy-efficient hardware
Collaboration with Lav Varshney (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

InterCom, Labex Cominlabs project (November 2016 – October 2020)
Topic: Interactive communications and massive random access to data
Collaboration with Aline Roumy, Thomas Maugey (INRIA Rennes), and Michel Kieffer (L2S)
PhD Student: Fangping YE, Post-doctoral fellow : Mai Quyen Pham

Pavle Savic – Partenariat Hubert Curien (January 2018 – December 2019)
Billateral project between France and Serbia
Topic: Secure and energy efficient distributed source coding for sensor networks
Collaboration with Velimir Ilic and Miodrag Mihaljevic (MISANU, Belgrade)

COLA, Research contract with Huawei (February 2016 – January 2017)
Topic: Non-binary LDPC codes for short-packet communications
Collaboration with Frederic Guilloud and Raphaël Le Bidan (IMT Atlantique)
Post-doctoral fellow: Zeina Mheich