
I am a member of the Digital Presence Commitee of the IEEE Information Theory Society (2022 – 2024)
I am Editor for the IEEE Transactions of Communications (2024 – 2027)

Conference organization

ISTC 2023 (International Symposium on Topics in Coding)
Conference management co-chair, September 2023, Brest, France

ITW 2021 (IEEE Information Theory Workshop),
Publicity co-chair, October 2021, Kanazawa, Japan

ISTC 2021 (International Symposium on Topics in Coding)
Conference management co-chair, September 2021, Montreal, Canada

ISTC 2016 (International Symposium on Turbo Codes and Information Processing),
Conference management co-chair, September 2016, Brest, France

Workshop and Special Sessions organization

Special session on DNA data storage
Jointly organized with Marc Antonini and Melpomeni Dimopoulou, June 2023 at DSP 2023, Rhodes, Greece

GdR ISIS workshop on DNA data storage
Jointly organized with Marc Antonini and Dominique Lavenier, February 2023, Paris, France

Special session on the Design of Energy-Efficient Error-Correction Codes
Jointly organized with François Leduc Primeau, September 2021, at ISTC 2021, Montreal, Canada

Workshop on the design of Energy-Efficient Error-Correction Codes
Jointly organized with François Leduc-Primeau and Emmanuel Boutillon, April 2020 (delayed), Paris, France

GdR ISIS workshop on Energy-Efficiency in Error-Correction coding
Jointly organized with David Declerq and Emmanuel Boutillon, June 2016, Paris, France